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![]() my name's zoe lee (:
currently studying business economics and finance in NOTTINGham.
i'm 21! goin' on the big TWO-TWO :D
I think I am pretty normal for a nineteen year old. I fall down a lot, laugh a lot, hide a lot of things from people and all those other things.
What about you?
Psalm 23 ♥ oh.so.Perez
fwishy-chan kryz n cow! euNICE LOVElyn charmzz mable/mushie xia xue kenny sia sammy aw :D Char bonggg gabby Nicole ah yan Tracieeee joo :P Jasmine yann yi/KAKAK (: licia :D kathie <3 Chen Chen timmy voon chickenJoey Jasmine anisSa wafflee jia yingg DIandra ashLEy LEE fausTINE ziannerr Jolina fIOn VANessa sarah!! sammy sii zoe n mel lieezaaa(: lyssa Reening NANA anastasia Yan HUI bryan (:
April 2006
May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 September 2011 January 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 December 2013 Bituwin -
template put ur dingdong in the ayer If you HATE me then God bless you (:
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
exam stress!
exam's in one week!
boo ): im currently studying about all the freaking wahyus that Allah dude gave to Nabi. surprisingly it's not THAT boring. and im actually loving it O.O *slaps self* something's seriously wrong with me. pre-exam stress? i NEED to beat that girl!! i NEED to. if not i'll die. seriously. i'll literally drop dead and die cause im one heck of a freaking kiasu human being. she SO cannot take my spot. NO freaking WAY. argh. i can't wait till the May hols.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
tagged again by my darling eun
If u have a choice to do anything now, what will that be?? bungee jump off klcc :D If u have a choice to hang out with 2 guys and 2 girls right now.. who will that be? Girls - ode n whoever who wants to hang out with me. Guys - adala. Who do u talk the most with in class everyday?? susu, peng, tina and rach What are u suffering from now days? stress! Where do u wish to go now?? the beach! Whats ur wish for now?? to get straight A1s in SPM. Who's ur best buddy.. * state a guy and girl Girl - LOADS! Guy - banyak. Which subject u hate the most, why? moral, cause i don't c how we can become anymore civilized by JUST studying that sub. Which teacher do u think hates u the most? loads. x) Last and final.. I TAG anyone who wants to be tagged!
tagged by the lovely eun (i miss u lah.)
The rules : Link to your tagger and post these rules. List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people. 1. I'm super weird. 2. i love cheese! 3. emo is not gay 4. i love God 5. i read the bible every single day 6. i dream't about being a wild boar -.- 7. i support Liverpool. 8. David Archuleta looks gay :* (sorry nisha.) (don't ask for more posts bookpretty :P ME LAZY) I tag : 1. saewahh 2.Clay (if you even read my blog :P) 3. mel 4. waffleee 5. Yan Hui (: 6. Fion! 7. Joash 8. anyone who wants to kill time.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
bleeding love?
I'm sitting in my own pool of blood.
Crying out for someone to stop the hurt. I scream and shout with all my might. But no one hears my pain-filled cries. I try and try to get back up. But something always pushes me back down. I want to be that girl i was before. The carefree one, without any thoughts. I keep trying to find a way. A way back to the past. But i can't find an opening. the doors are all closed shut. Slowly, i begin to drown in my own pool of regrets. I kick and struggle to stay afloat. But something keeps pulling me down. i start losing consciousness. everything becomes a blur. my life flashes in front of me. and i realize im losing this fight. I don't wanna die. im too young to die. please, someone save me. help me win this fight..
Monday, April 14, 2008
afternoon people!
just woke up from my super short afternoon nap. (it barely felt like one) had to skip guitar today cause I pandai pandai over slept just now -.- so much for quality time with Ode. sorry I haven't been updating these past few weeks. life's been pretty, er.. stressful. I've got tons of homeworks, projects and assignments to finish. PLUS, i gotta write a few laporans for my club. *bangs head on table* besides, my bro keeps hogging the comp, DAY and NIGHT. grr. can't wait till he goes. Momma's been pretty great to me these days. she bought me contacts. CONTACT LENSES. O.O can you believe it??!?! she used to be the anti-contact lenses type of mom. wonder what or who changed her mind. thank YOU for changing her mind sir, madam or whatever you are. anyways, went for a youth rally [organized by sibgrace] last friday. it was GREAT!!! the low point about the concert was the audience. they didn't even stand up when the praise and worship session started. but at least they stood up about 10 minutes later! it was seriously a wth situation cause me, Van and Kim were the only ones standing. super embarrassing but at least we were doing it for God. can't wait till the youth ER and Planetshakers concert. btw, ANYONE WANNA BUY PLANETSHAKERS PUNYA CONCERT TICKETS? call or sms me at 016-8517137! tickets @ RM5. (that is cheap OKAY.) sorry for the super short update but I gotta continue with my accounts and moral. (btw, waffle, the second part of your penderaan kanak-kanak essay is missing lar. need me to help you continue that second part?) God bless ya loads and take care!! cause I know You gave the world xoxoxo
Monday, April 07, 2008
what my mom did was UNFORGIVABLE.
i am never gonna speak to her again (unless i have to). and this time, i MEAN IT.
Friday, April 04, 2008
the sky is so freaking dark right now -.- AND it's only 5:15 PM. oh wells. guess i won't be able to go to Saberkas after all. hmphh. should've gone earlier. *scolds self* told Vian, LS and LH about something today. I hope they'll keep it and not blurt everything out. Life's been pretty crappy lately. everyone's having mood swings and bad days. IT's like one minute they're happy and the next minute they're scolding you like crap. what's up with that? must be the crazy crazy weather we've been having lately. It's no wonder most of my friends are ill. I wanna eat CALCI-YUM! :D Ode says it's nice. but I can't try it cause my mommah don't allow me to try em' ): her excuse: 'bu yao shui pian chi bu shan bu shi de dong ci' CALCI-YUM is so not a 'bu shan bu shi de dong ci'. i'll (according to the adverts) grow taller by (at least!) a few cm after eating em. I feel short -.- i wanna be at least 6 feet. but I'm thankful for being a 5'7/8 though. I wanna watch 10 things I hate about you ON youtube now. thank God for youtube :D God bless and take care y'all!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
momma and bro have gone to Singy.
): [they had better get those famous amos sweeties for me :D] got my pre-semester exam results back and they kinda suck. actually, they suck A LOT. especially my Sejarah (66%) and Moral (44%). thank God i didn't flunk them. anyways, 4 days of pure MOM-less 'bliss'. oh, how i wish i can skip all my tuitions while my mom's on holiday. BOO. k people. i gotta make a call. THEN sleep :D God bless loads!!! bye (:
tagged by darling Eun.
You- First Name - Zoee Nickname - bamboo stick (classmates), whimp (bro), xiao bao bei (mom) [u can stop laughing now] Name you wish you had - i love my name :D What do people normally mistake your name as - zhoi (penis), zo, joey, joe... Birthday - 2nd november 1991 Birthplace - kuching? or was it KL. Time of Birth - 3 smth smth. Single or taken - singlee! woooooh! Zodiac sign - scorpioo -Your Appearence- How tall are you -172/173cm Wish you were taller - YEAH! Eye color - brownish-black. Eye color you want - greeen! but I'm happie with my brownish-black eyes though. Natural Hair color - brunette! Current Hair color - still brunette. Short or long hair - very super duper short Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - i wish! Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - the day i shortened it (which was about 5 months ago.) Glasses or contacts - BOTH. yipeee~ Do you wear make-up - rarely. Ever had hair extensions - ONCE! Paint your nails - never. -In the opposite gender- What color eyes - black? What color hair - natural. Shy or Outgoing - outgoing. Looks or personality - both. (more to personality though) Sexy or Cute - booth! Serious or Fun - both :D Older or Younger than you - olderr!! A turn on - er.. huh? A turn off - ? -This or that- Flowers or Chocolates - CHOCOLATES! Pepsi or Coke - either or. Rap or Rock - either or. Relationship or One night stand - relationship. School or Work - school (unbelievable but true) Love or Money - bothh xD Movies or Music - either or. Country or City - depends. Sunny or Rainy days - both. Friends or Family - God :D -Have you ever- Lied - of course lar.. u never lie before meh? Stole something - er.. yeah. Smoked - NEVER ever. Hurt someone close to you - yeap. Broke someone's heart - kinda. He broke mine too wad. Had your heart broken - kinda. Wondered what was wrong with you - at times. Wish you were a prince/princess - when i was just a little girl...... *song goes on* Liked someone who was taken - doubt so. Shaved your head - never. i would like to try though. Been in love - yup. Used chopsticks - every saturday night at my uncle's place. Sang in the mirror to yourself - yeah :x -Favorites- Flower - sunflower! Candy - the famous amos one :D Song - banyak laa. Scent - BO x) Color - green and black! Movie - Step up, step up 2, i not stupid, jumper, John Tucker Must die... Singer - changes from time to time. Word - freak. Junk food - Chacos. Website - mana i tau. Location - sabah! Animal - dolphins :) Ever cried over someone - yeah. Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - nothing. I'm contented with everything that I've been blessed with. Do you think you're attractive - nayhh. If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - NONE. Do you play any sports - swimming, basketball, running, jumping... I tag: Fion Waffle Yan-Hui kathie Joo Jesse Saewah fwish |